- The Shoebox blog is a four-time Pixel Magazine Award nominee for Best Humor Website, and winner of Pixel’s People’s Choice Award for Best Humor Website of 2008.
- I wrote the interactive children’s book Jingle And Bell’s Sing-along Christmas Song Book, which won a ‘Dr. Toy 10 Best Tech Products’ award in 2013.
- I’ve had jokes and card writing featured on television for CBS Sunday Morning and CNN’s Crossfire.
- I’ve had jokes read on the air for National Public Radio on three occasions, on Morning Addition, Fresh Air and Evening Addition.
- I’ve been featured in news articles about professional writers on several occasions, including for:
- The L.A. Times
- The Boston Herald
- The Kansas City Star
- GQ Magazine
- In 2005, my poem, Waiting For A Tornado, was read by the former Poet Lauriat Ted Kooser at a symposium for professional writers as an example of how humor can be successfully used in verse.