(All writing and the products shown on this page are the property of Hallmark Cards, Inc.)
The below pieces are a few examples from my professional history of product description accompanying ornaments, figures and gifts for various well-known brands.
Considered by some to be the first great road bike, the 1936 Harley Davidson Knucklehead stands alone as an icon of classic style and engineering. Cutting edge for its time, with push rods set at right angles from a single camshaft and heads that look like knuckles on a fist, it produced enough torque and horsepower to break distance and speed records, and to cement its place in motorcycle history.
The creature Gollum, living for centuries under the Misty Mountains of Middle Earth, was given by the Ring Of Power unnatural long life, but also a twisted and deformed body and mind. Once an innocent, simple-minded dweller of a peaceful world, the ring came to him on its path back to its true master, overtaking Gollum’s own will, and ultimately abandoning him, and setting into motion Gollum’s undying anger and jealousy that tied him forever to The Ring, and to the fates of every creature in the realm of Middle Earth.
Astromech droid R2-A3, marked by red highlighted access panels, is a capable mechanic and loyal companion to the rebel pilot and Rogue Squadron leader Wedge Antilles at the time of the battle of Endor. No pilot is fully equipped, especially in battle, without an astromech droid as his side. Designed for maintenance and repair, and sometimes entrusted with navigation and piloting, R2 units are designed to be an integral piece of any flying ship, and through their service, some have become as vital to their missions as the pilots themselves, not only demonstrating capability but at times even bravery. And, perhaps most importantly, becoming true and selfless companions to the pilots to which they are assigned.
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