- How can people deal with all this snow?
I always welcome a nice blanket of new snow. It’s comforting, makes the outside look pretty, and gives me an excuse to not go there. I particularly enjoy watching snowflakes gently fall onto deep piles as my mother fights her way to the mailbox in her robe and slippers as if today’s the day she’s going to be getting something more than scary life insurance junk mail and a new Rascal sales pitch pamphlet while her tiny dog pees on the welcome mat because he refuses to leave the porch. It does get a bit tense when food supplies get low, and the fact that my mother has a 35-year-old son living in her basement disqualifies her for Meals On Wheels. But the day after a big snowfall is a good chance for some extra income, as I cruise the street with my snow shovel and dig out the old folks in the neighborhood. I have to muscle the 12-year-olds out of the business, which is harder than ever these days. Video games make those kids fearlessand then getting the old folks to pay me because I just shoveled their walkway.