It has been revealed that the NSA has been spying on players of World of Warcraft. Until this fact was made public, everyone just thought there was a really awesome player out there named NSA69.
A 12-year old middle school boy has discovered how cold weather can effect the trajectory of a golfball. The study could decrease a players golf score, though the boy still hasn’t worked out how to decrease the number of wedgies he gets.
China has launched its first ever unmanned rover to the moon in its race to space versus its western aerospace rivals. Its biggest challenge will be navigating around all the western nations’ old abandoned rovers from 50 years ago.
Britney Spears has one serious regret in her career. Shaving her head? No. Marrying her friend in Vegas for 5 hours? Nope. Flopping at the Grammys a couple years ago. Nu-uh. Let’s see… filming Crossroads? Noooope. Dumping Justin Timberlake for K. Fed? Still no. That reality show. That’s the one thing. Just that one.
Apple and Microsoft may merge in 5 to 10 years, so be prepared at that point for space/time to collapse on itself.